The Ultimate Guide to Git

The Ultimate Guide to Git

October 19, 2022 (3y ago)



Git is one of the most important and most used open-source software packages on the internet. If you have ever wondered what Git is, or if you’ve even heard of Git in the first place, then this blog post is for you.

What is Git?

Git is a version control system used for tracking changes in computer files. It is generally used for source code management in software development . In the modern world of software development, Git is one of the most popular. It is an open-source version control system that is meant to be used for software development.

What does Git do?

  • Manage projects with Repositories
  • Clone a project to work on a local copy
  • Control and track changes with staging and committing
  • Branch and merge to allow for work on different parts and versions of a project
  • Pull the latest version of the project to a local copy
  • Push local updates to the main project

Benefits of Git

  1. Tracks history
  2. Free and open source
  3. Supports non-linear development
  4. Creates backups
  5. Scalable
  6. Supports collaboration
  7. Branching is easier
  8. Distributed development
  9. Save time
  10. Offline working


Working with Git

Here is a basic overview of how to work with Git:

  • Initialize Git on a folder,making it a Repository
  • Git now creates a hidden folder to keep track of changes in that folder
  • When a file is changed, added or deleted, it is considered modified
  • You select the modified files you want to stage
  • The Staged files are Committed, which prompts Git to store a permanent snapshot of the files
  • Git allows us to see the full history of every commit
  • You can revert back to any previous commit
  • Git does not store a separate copy of every file in every commit, it keeps track of changes made in each commit!

Git Workflow

Git Workflow

The Git workflow is divided into three states:

  • Working directory: Modified files,but untracked and not yet ready to commit
  • Staging directory: Adding modified files to the staging environment means they are ready to commit.
  • Committed: Snapshots of files from the staging area saved in the commit history

Installation of Git

  1. Search "Download git"
  2. Go to *'[]('*
  3. Download setup for your OS(Windows/Linux/Mac)
  4. Find a version that is compatible with your operating system.In our case, it is Windows x64.
  5. Click on the link. The download will start after you specify the folder.
  6. ![link](
  7. After this, go to the folder with the downloaded file and run it.
  8. Choose the installation path and continue.
  9. When you proceed to the Select Components, check the Additional icons checkbox. It will simplify the usage in the future.
  10. ![](
  11. Continue the installation.
  12. Leave all the settings offered during the installation as default position up to the final step – Completing the Git Setup Wizard.
  13. ![](
  14. Check the Launch Git Bash checkbox. In the future, you will be able to run the program using the icon on the desktop.
  15. ![git](
  16. Uncheck View Release Notes checkbox. We don’t need it for now.


Thank you for reading this complete guide to version control on Git. Whether you're a beginner or a more experienced user, we hope that this guide has helped you understand the basics of Git. We'll be adding more information on Git. If you found this guide helpful, please like, share, and follow us for more blog posts like this in the future.

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